Very happy to hear you are both OK.Wow.
Did it happen at Cable? Nevermind... have another drink you two... very
happy indeed.
All the Best to you both, Kevin Klinefelter
Thomas Scherer wrote:
> it is my sad duty (well, glad - I am reporting it myself) that N81EU
> was lost tonight on a take-off failure with me and Kim Prout aboard.,
> The Rotax 912 failed on take-off and running out of options I had to
> put her down at the end of the runway with a droop and fence ahead.
> Plane came to a rest in a quarry after shearing off the landing gear
> (trigear) and tearing off the firewall foward.
> It is a miracle that Kim and me walked away and I fully attribute it
> to the design of the central tunnel and the wheel attachment that
> we're not only alive but walked away unharmed from a complete crash,
> The flying surfaces seem unhamarmed as well as the fuselelage except
> the firewall foward (which broke off 1oo %) and the gears which were
> lost about 2oo feet short off the crash site.
> It is very early to say anything - the engine was fine - we worked on
> it the entire afternoon and found it to be very smooth - I fear I
> installed as new fuel filter which should not have been there - more
> later.
> Anyway - we're alive (and having our share of Whiskey) and I promise
> you ... you will hear again of N81EU.
> Thanks to the designer who made her this crashworthy - N18EU now has
> 890 hrs under her belly and never missed a beat (Rotax 912).
> more later
> <Thomas N81EU>
> PS: the only pain we can report of is on our feet - after the firewall
> sheared off our feet were in the void and got hurt on the last impact.
> She was flying right to the end. Europa rulez !