All I can say is listen to Ron, he kept after me to check my gear about a year
ago and it wasn't even close to being right. I don't think I would have made it
through taxi testing.
I've added some marked up drawings. see links.
I made a centering tool per Rons instructions for the swing arm. 3/4 inch socket
one wrap of tape, and a cut off piece of drill bit the same size as the lower
rod LG04.
I used the back of a long hack saw blade with a 1/16 drill bit taped to it as a
straight edge/ measuring tool. Just don't bend it while measuring.
Lots of grinding down of the stops, using Prussian blue to insure flat contact
face. From the factory the stops were too long and did not have a flat contact
face. I blued the stop, dropped the gear, raised the gear and the markers on
the forks were thin "C" shapes.
Checks were done with complete gear, wheel, and bungee in place.
Once again,
Thanks, Ron.
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