Interested to read your thread on debris in the tank. I thought I had been
carefully keeping my tank sealed and even filling it , emptying it several
times and only filling through a purpose made aircraft fuel filter (which
certainly shows up water if any is present).
My aircraft engine has now run approx 17 hours and flown for about 14 hours
including the testing and stalls etc since. I have done about 30 landings
and after all that I am still changing my filters every flight and still
picking up debris (although the latest run was almost clean.
I understand from many that this is a common problem with the fuel tank and
other than frustrating and nerve wracking is all part of the early life of
the aircraft.
On changing tanks the fuel pump seems to cope immediately but I do always
make sure that the reserve filter has fuel in when I do the preflight
Steve Pitt G-SMDH