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RE: Europa-List: RE: Life is so unfair!

Subject: RE: Europa-List: RE: Life is so unfair!
From: William Daniell <>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 09:06:42

Yes there was a chap here who did not cut the fuel filler inlet hole big
enough in the cockpit bulkhead and had to replace the tank.  Apparently the
factory told him to split the fuselage laterally.  Which he did. And the ac
is flying now.  Fairly major surgery which is obviously not what you want at
this stage...but it can be done.  I can find out more if you wish.

Also there is an Australian company which sells auxiliary bladders for
ferrying ac long distance I forget the name but you can google it.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Alan Burrows
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 18:29
Subject: Europa-List: RE: Life is so unfair!


Who says life is meant to be fair..! 
After four months of fighting bureaucracy I finally get my aircraft airborne
and manage exactly four days of fun flying here in Florida. This morning I
go out to the hanger to pre flight and find the floor is full of fuel. It's
leaking out of the bottom of the aircraft at a fairly fast rate. Having
removed all the inspection covers both inside and outside I cannot detect
the source of the leak. I can see fuel dripping out from somewhere towards
the back of the tank, but not the actual leak. I have checked all the places
where fuel is meant to leave i.e. all the fittings and all look good and
dry. I can therefore only assume that the tank has split somewhere.
My question is
1. Has anyone else experienced a split fuel tank
2. How feasible would it be to have a bladder made to fit inside the tank
rather than cut the old one out and replace it.
All help and advice welcome (other than take up sailing instead).
Many Thanks

N134AB tri-gear 914 airmaster prop.


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