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Re: Europa-List: 914 servo init

Subject: Re: Europa-List: 914 servo init
From: Jerry Rehn <>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 10:35:58

The servo motor will make a slight buzz noise as it waits for the TCU to 
start telling it something to do! You wont hear it when the engine is 
running! The servo is likely  fine.There are instructions for setting the 
cable and waste gate in the installation manual. Switch on the TCU, the 
servo motor runs with waste gate closed, slacken the adjustment screw on 
servo cable support(located at turbo where cable first attaches to turbo) 
and turn adjustment screw until wastegate is completely closed, proper 
pretensioning of the servo cable is achieved by turning the adjustment screw 
by one complete rotation.
All this is done at the factory in the course of the test run for the engine 
but if disconnected it could be off. Hope this helps.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "josok" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 4:17 AM
Subject: Europa-List: 914 servo init

> Hi 914 folks,
> This is a new engine, first try. After the TCU runs through it's checks, 
> and runs the servo/waste gate back and forth, the servo keeps making a 
> noise like not finding it's zero position. The servo is not really moving, 
> not visible at least.
> What could be wrong? I had to remove/attach the servo cable cause of 
> routing, it it now too tight or too loose? Can't find real instruction in 
> the manuals.
> Visit -

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