Hi Rich,
Is this late April First joke?
If not, i am really worried.
Checking magnetos is an item on the checklist.
It has been on any checklist of any piston aircraft ever. (Diesels no i
And is a no-go on failure.
If there is no mag-drop on one of the circuits:
There is either no spark from that circuit, and you would be flying
risking your and other lives on one magneto.
Or the wire shorting the magneto with the key is open circuit, or the key
switch is broken, which means it won't stop like yours. The open circuit
wire and the broken keyswitch could short to ground everywhere, anytime,
bringing back to the grace of the one working magneto. On the 914 it's
extra bad, because the ignition circuits timing are not the same, and the
engine will suffer from flying on one magneto. So before you fly again,
check the wiring, check the switch, and correct the situation.
> One thing about a Rotax they want to keep flying. I guess the plane just
> was
> not ready to stop having fun today! :-)
It's not funny! Any airplane engine is designed to do just that.
Use your checklist, there is a basic one in the Europa Owners manual.
Jos Okhuijsen
workshopcam http://www.okhuijsen.org/plane