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Re: Europa-List: Interesting builder's website

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Interesting builder's website
From: SteveD <>
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 17:17:19

[quote=Does anyone have a list of websites?[/quote]

On ( your one stop shopping site for the Europa )
The Upper menu has a links section, in this section there are builders and 
sections. Forum users can add links to to this page so if you find a interesting
builders site or vendor go ahead and add them.

Also on EuropaOwners try looking under Memberlist your can sort by which members
have websites their not all builders sites, and some are a slice of life, but
they let you see what's important to some builders. 

EuropaOwners is a fairly huge site poke around and explore... Have fun and let
me or Jos know if there is a feature you would like to see.

I've been working on the software for a group editable parts database that can
be viewed and searched from the web. If anyone has an Europa parts list that 
made themselves let me know and well see how it works out. 

Chat Later,

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