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Europa-List: More EFIS Thoughts

Subject: Europa-List: More EFIS Thoughts
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 21:17:42
Hi Folks,

Many thanks to those who sent me photos of their EFIS panels, the Grand 
Rapids Sport seems to be very popular.

Of course Dynon has just announced new firmware which really smartens up 
their display. I'm still a ways off deciding which one to go for.

In redesigning the panel I promised myself a better way of hooking up those 
connections such that the panel can easily be removed. I have something like 5

connectors which all have to be connected blind while balancing the panel on 
the center tunnel when putting the panel back.

What have others done to take wiring from one side of the firewall to the 

I would like to use something like one of those 25 pin electrical connectors 
that all the wires run to. This way I just have connect one big connector and 
I would position it such that connecting will be easier. The highest rated 
wire is the negative from the battery through to the panel, its 10 swg. Would a

25 pin connector be able to support the load?

Any comments on what others have done would be appreciated. I would be 
particularly interested in the magneto wires and shielding.

Martin Tuck
Wichita, Kansas   

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