Great input! You might have something there...
Reno, NV
Michael Grass wrote:
> All,
> I made a little while an interesting observation with tie raps (not
> sure about spelling) which I believe are made from similar nylon
> material as your outrigger legs. I have a lot of experience with the
> cable tie raps based on my previous job where I used a lot of them.
> You can rely totally abuse them and they stay flexible.
> Last year when I bonded the top on, I realized that some of the tie
> raps got really brittle like hard plastic. I wondered why. The only
> thing I could come up with is that they got in contact with acetone.
> Now I made a test. I wiped a couple of tie raps with acetone and left
> them for a day. After this 1 day waiting time I just bended the tie
> rap and they broke just like hard plastic. Totally weird. The only
> thing I can come up with is that the Acetone changed the outer surface
> properties of the tie rap and made it very brittle.
> So with this observation: Could it be that you experienced the same
> thing here? Did you or the painter cleaned the legs with acetone? Or
> did the paint changed some of the properties of the nylon?
> Again, I do not know what exactly the Acetone did to my tie raps but
> the more educated chemist might be able to chip in here with an
> explanation.
> Blue skies up
> Michael Grass
> Europa XS Tri Gear
> Detroit, Mi
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Raimo Toivio" <raimo.toivio@rwm.fi>
> To: <europa-list@matronics.com>
> Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 3:47 PM
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: broken leg
>> Jos, not possible
>> *. The painter painted those legs too, with the standard paint the
>> factory has. Could that have caused some change all through the
>> material, or is this just a bad batch? Have these massive nylon bars
>> broken before just by hand-moving?
>> *
>> Must be a bad batch. Nothing to do with painting.
>> I have painted legs also. Wish no other damages!
>> The Best days are near of You.
>> Raimo
>> Good days (yesterday) and bad days (today) come and go :-)
>>> Regards,
>>> Jos Okhuijsen
>>> Visit - www.EuropaOwners.org