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Re: Europa-List: Baby Blue is back!

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Baby Blue is back!
From: josok <>
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 23:53:49

Hi Giles,

"How about dispensing with the springs, and replacing the cables with
piano wire ? "

Do you really advise here to get rid of a safety feature? 

In case of a broken throttle cable or piano wire, you might end up with a very
silent engine. The problem here is too tight routing of a throttle cable. Change
the inner cable with a solid wire, and things will improve, probably until,
because of the same tight routing the wire breaks sooner then might  be 

Aircraft carburettors have springs to pull full throttle in case something goes
wrong with the linkage. Please be careful when changing the basics!


Jos Okhuijsen

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