Congratulations, Jac. At least you made it in the end. Now all you have to
do is get behind the controls yourself. 8 years ? I would never have had the
patience myself.
Best regards,
>From: "Jac van Heeswijk" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Europa-List: The child is born!
>Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 14:20:47 +0200
>After eight years of stumbling down and getting up again, hope and despair,
>many nights of puzzling and as many of working, lying still for weeks and
>taking up the thread again, it is finally so far. PH-LOB (nr. 394) took to
>the air on Wednesday 25 April 2007 in the capable hands of it's developer
>and test-pilot Ivan Shaw.
>Ivan's comment on the first line of the journal: "All controls and
>good. No wing drop. An excellent flying aircraft."
>The fun can start now. And I am not just a little proud of that!
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