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Re: Europa-List: Seat backs

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Seat backs
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2007 00:12:09

Hi Paul
As everyone says the seat back needs to follow the line of the headrest.
You need to get your butt as low as possible and as far forward as 
practical, depends on the ratio of your torso length to leg length.
You might try a bean bag to find the best possiton, make one up that 
fits the seat bottom but only half full of beans so that it is easily 
adjustable, then lift yourself out and look at its shape.
Beans are even better than temperfoam btw, they have excellent shock 
absorption, much better than springy foam.

Paul Stewart wrote:
> If I position my rear seat cushions (factory ones) hard up against  the 
> fuel tank forward face, I end up with a large void in the lumbar  area. 
> Likely to cause severe back ache for those like me 6'2"+   without a 
> large cushion.
> Have folk built out the seat back to follow the line given by the  
> headrest forward face? This would seem more comfortable and also  lower 
> my head by being somewhat more recumbant.
> Regards
> Paul

Graham Singleton

Tel: +441629820187
Mob: +447739582005

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