Well I am no great computer wizard. However, this is the story with regard
to G-JULZ.
When the engine was first installed, my laptop was running Windows 98 and
was quite successful in in setting up the throttle.
My new Laptop is a PC World Advent using Windows XP Home. Unfortunately it
does not have a serial connector. Sometime back I bought a USB Serial
Converter so that I could programme a sound chip - a future europa
modification I am working on.
This afternoon I connected up the laptop to the aircraft TCU and tried the
Rotax software.
My TCU Serial Number is 4418154 and the software in use is TLR 4.6a. The
connection was made with the USB converter and a standard serial cable
plugged into the TCU cable. The converter was selected to COM 2.
Double clicking on the TLR 4.6a icon brings up the programme in the
mentioned "Command Window" - I have to report that all the functions of the
programme worked perfectly, throttle calibration and setup was confirmed and
a download of the TCU worked fine.
Perhaps, my system is a one-off, I will leave the experts to work that out.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jos Okhuijsen" <josok-e@ukolo.fi>
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: TCU/Dongle
> Sorry for you folks, but the window is called a command window.
> The session looks like dos, but it is a cmd session.
> It's a Dos look a like but it is not Dos.
> It does things Dos does not do, and it can't do some mainly hardware
> connected stuff that Dos does.
> A lot of old dos stuff won't work there.
> The Rotax com stuff won't work there.
> And that was what the question was about.
>> Click on START > Run > (type) CMD > (press) Enter brings up the DOS
>> window in
>> Windows 2000 and XP.
> Regards,
> Jos Okhuijsen
> --
> workshopcam http://www.okhuijsen.org/plane
> http://www.europaowners.org/kit600
> --
> 269.6.5/793 - Release Date: 07/05/2007 14:55