You are right about motor gliders and I used to think the short wing mon
was the same but qyucker. IMHO its too quick to react with aileron so
its better to have the outriggers firmly on the ground with the etunted
wing Europa. Tinsfos as all glider pilots know.
Graham wrote:
> Outrigger legs / Motor Gliders
> All outrigger legs on the Scheibe Motorfalke like SF 25C or on the
> Sperber type MG's like RF5 or RF4 the outrigger legs are shorter, so
> that the wings are dipping from one side to the others.
> I think it is good so that the wings are dipping, because when they are
> getting controllable, you will know that your baby is ready for take off.
> Always safe and happy flyings.
> Bruno Reith / UVT Reith
> *
> *
Graham Singleton
Tel: +441629820187
Mob: +447739582005