Hi Bob,
It very much looks like I will have to drop out of your tour. I waited
until the last minute, because I was not sure if Diana would be able to
cope by herself. In case you were not aware, she had a replacement hip
revision at the end of April and has to keep weight off her right leg
for 6 to 8 weeks. She must also limit any movement of the hip joint to
less than 90 degs, so she cannot pick anything up off the floor. She
also cannot climb stairs, so it is quite restrictive. She is OK for a
couple of days, but a week would be too long at this stage. Hopefully
she will be OK by the 6 Nations, which will be about 7 weeks.
So sorry to let you down at the last minute, but I hope you will have a
reasonable number of A/C for the tour without me.
Best wishes and I will keep my fingers crossed for good weather.