Does anyone know the whereabouts of Ian Rickard? I've messaged him
twice now and no reply.
As you can see below there is some confusion over the direction of the
nose wheel suspension spring top hooks ..from forward or from aft.?
The drawing on the mod. indicates one way and photos I've seen shows the
It is infinitely more suited for them to be inserted top hooks from aft
they sit better and in the event of needing them off .ever.the job would
be easier unless you used a
"hot spanner"!
-----Original Message-----
From: R.C.Harrison [mailto:ptag.dev@tiscali.co.uk]
Sent: 30 May 2007 13:04
Cc: Roger CULLUM (rsc-93@hotmail.co.uk)
Subject: RE: mod no. 11698 Springs to replace bungy.
Hi! Ian
I'm thinking you didn't get my last reply to your original message(copy
below) about spring directions dated 21st I basically thanked you for
your kind reply below but.. no offence intended ...it has confused me
more. In fact the drawing is clearly fitting them from the front and it
isn't possible to see which way from the actual pictures which I have.
Would you please :- a) advise if it is now acceptable to apply the top
hook of the springs from the aft direction with "handed springs"?
b) advise if anyone has formulated a
plan for simple removal in any future event ? (other than driving wedges
into each coil)
Bob Harrison G-PTAG
PS On a completely un related subject re:- your message just on the
Matronics site about your sled for rear access to the empennage ..I
would be concerned that the two rear legs at 1".1.5" section would crush
the inner skin of the floor, if it has proved OK for you a heavy builder
may need to check underneath outside? Perhaps a spreader foot on the
bottom of the legs would alleviate this liklyhood.? I say this because
I have noticed some minor damage on G-PTAG from my elbow resting when
Message dated 21st in reply to yours below:-
Hi! Ian
Thanks for the reply ..No offence but I'm now totally confused as to
what is a) correct b) acceptable for the handed springs to be fitted top
hook from the aft.?
Roger Cullum has faxed me a drawing clearly showing handed springs but
top hook attached from the forward side
Please define if it is acceptable attaching them from the aft position?
They are actually drawn as top hooks applied from forward looking aft.
Unfortunately I can't see from the faxed copy I have as to which way
they are fitted.
-----Original Message-----
From: G-IANI [mailto:g-iani@ntlworld.com]
Sent: 18 May 2007 09:35
Subject: RE: mod no. 11698 Springs to replace bungy.
You are right and in fact that is the way they are drawn in the
documentation BUT the picture is wrong. The picture was of the
developements springs before we made them "handed". Thanks for the
reminder. I will get back on to Roger about getting it corrected on the
Ian Rickard #505 G-IANI XS Trigear
Europa Club Mods Rep (Trigear)
e-mail mods@europaclub.org.uk
or direct g-iani@ntlworld.com
-----Original Message-----
From: R.C.Harrison [mailto:ptag.dev@tiscali.co.uk]
Sent: 17 May 2007 21:43
Subject: mod no. 11698 Springs to replace bungy.
Hi! Ian
I'm in the middle of fitting my springs and they will fit much easier
and tidier with the top hooks fitted from the aft of the aircraft and
for removal at anytime in the future they will be infinitely easier
removed from this location. I can't see any reason for this being
unsound can you?