Thank-you for sharing this picture with us all: it shows William and Paul at
their convivial bests. Two thoroughly nice, helpful, decent friends have
been taken from us, and I'm sure everyone is as shocked as Liza and I.
Having got back to my computer today after a weekend away, I'm touched by
the depth of affection expressed on this list and elsewhere. I have even had
an email from Garsh - our guide for the Colditz break-ins - expressing his
sadness: he met William on the recent break-in and liked him enormously.
Paul and William's families are in all our thoughts at this time.
Regards to all,
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of db
Sent: 03 June 2007 21:07
Subject: Europa-List: FW: europa crash
For info everyone on the list.
-----Original Message-----
Subject: RE: europa crash
Dear Mr Lane,
I am sure by now that you have seen enough responses on the email forum to
William and Paul's deaths to understand just how friendly the two were, and
the regard we all held for their friendship.
I enclose a photograph of the two of them, taken at Barkaby, Stockholm, in
summer 2004 when we flew together up to northern Finland in our Europa
I do not think I can add any more at the moment - you will also find my
email on the list this afternoon - they will be sadly missed by a lot of
friends and our thoughts and condolences go to their families.
All the best,
David Bosomworth
Ps. I will copy this reply to the email list so that others you may have
contacted can see that you have received a reply, I know that David Joyce
has sent some pictures too.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2007 12:47 PM
Subject: europa crash
> Dear Mr Joyce,
> I am a journalist with the South Wales Argus newspaper and I noticed you
had posted a message on the Europa Club's forum regarding the deaths of
William Mills and Paul Sweeting.
> We are putting together a tribute piece for them and wondered if you would
like to add anything, or whether you had a suitable photograph of either, or
both of them, that you might like us to use.
> I am contactable on 07949 030036 or 01873 880556, or by emailing me back
at this address.
> Many thanks,
> Oliver Lane
> Deputy news editor
> South Wales Argus