Hi all
I have a problem with my Rotax 914 which now have performed 450 hours
without ever missing a hart-beat.
It starts perfect and runs as expected up to 3.000 RPM's.
Above 3.000 it becomes rough and when adding more power it runs even
more and more rough.
Oil press and temp. comes up in normal range.
MP and all other parameters which can be read from the pilots seat (R-
Dat) looks normal - MP goes up to app. 30" but RPM's "stops" at about
3.000 RPMs.
In the engine room visual inspection did not uncover the problem.
All small hoses on top of engine in god condition and the same with
Fuel supply up to carb's checked - working OK.
Spark-plugs checked - looks fine.
Ignition checked - left and right - seems to work normal.
Any suggestions?
Regards Gert