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Re: Europa-List: What's up with the cost of 914?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: What's up with the cost of 914?
From: Andrew Sarangan <asarangan@YAHOO.COM>
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2007 18:40:00

Thanks for that input. I am still a long time away from having to make
an engine decision. I purposely decided against purchasing the 914 when
I started my build. My reasoning was that I should be able to get a
better powerplant for a lower price due to the natural progress in
technology. With Rotax that turned out to be an expensive mistake.
Compared to 5 years ago, the 914 is nearly 50% more expensive, and the
Europa kit is also higher by that much. 

I am hoping that in the next few years the LSA manufacturers would
create a demand for newer technology at a lower price. If Rotax can't
meet that need, someone else might. What would be exciting is a small
turbine, such as the one Innodyne is developing. If Innodyne's claims
turn out to be true, a 120-hp turbine system that runs at 8 gph and
costs under $20k should be within reach. We can dream...

So, I am going to take the wait-and-see option. I hope I don't have to
pay $50k for a 914 in a few years.

--- wrote:

> Andrew,
> Seems like too many customers and not enough 914' of supply
> and 
> demand. Have you checked on the Jabiru 3300A? While I am not flying
> mine yet, it 
> sure looks pretty sitting on the front of my plane. And according to 
> FlightCrafters in Florida, they install plenty of them. Contact Andy
> at Suncoast 
> Sportplanes. He made me quite a deal on a complete engine package.  
> _www.suncoastjabiru.com_ (  
> Mike Duane A207A
> Redding, California
> XS Conventional Gear
> Jabiru 3300 
> Sensenich R64Z N
> Ground Adjustable Prop
> ************************************** See what's free at

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