Hello all,
May I introduce myself as Paul Sweeting's fiance. On behalf of his family I
would like to thank every one of you for your messages of condolence and
support. They have touched us deeply and reinforced the message that Paul
and William were very well liked and highly thought of. I personally have
found great comfort in them, and I felt I needed to thank you personally. I
have also spoken to a few of you on the phone and this has helped too - I
know it is what Paul would have wanted, he always wanted me to be involved
with his flying and in particular the Europa Club.
I was fortunate to attend your "Late Christmas Dinner" at Bosworth in
January, and meet at least a few of you. We had a thouroughly enjoyable
weekend. More recently we met up with Paddy, Alastair, another gentleman I'm
sorry I can't remember the name of, and of course William at a DOTH at my
local airport Swansea. It was great to catch up with his friends, and "talk
planes" again.
As Dave Bosomworth has said, Paul contacted him last week to ask his advice
about a Europa he was thinking of buying. Since Paul had met me last year we
had been too busy having fun to progress any further on the construction of
his own kit, and he had reached a point where he was desperate to own his
own plane and take me down to France for lunch ! Every fine day he'd say "
It's a great day for flying"... "When can I buy my plane?, when can I buy my
plane?" like a child.
Paul hadn't flown since September, and asked William if he was going on any
"jollies" to take him along with him. William of course did, and Paul was
very excited and looking forward to their trip together. His family and
myself are of course devastated, but we take some comfort from the fact that
Paul passed away doing what he loved. Flying was, as it probably is to most
of you, his passion, and he was an extremely happy man when he left us.
Incidentally, we are meeting with Diana and her family this evening. I do
not have a date for Paul's funeral as yet, but will post it on here as soon
as I have it. If any of you would like to make contact with me please do so,
it is what Paul would have wanted, he always wanted me to be as "sociable"
as him.
Laura Farmer.