Hi Graham,
Yes, i did close the gaps, although it could be done tighter. The problem
turned out to be no problem. I have 4 x CHT and 4 x EGT. The CHT sensors i
was monitoring are of the ring terminal type, and not the Rotax supplied
sensors. This morning i measured the CHT of the hottest cylinder the Rotax
way, and i can't get it over 95 C. The ring terminal CHT sensor then
reports 137 C and reacts much faster. The Rotax CHT sensor seems to
measure the cooling liquid temperature, it rises after shutdown, while the
ring type sensor drops immediately. So i have to apply a correction
factor. After the promised software upgrade of the Dynon 180 comes
available, I will be able to see both ways of measuring CHT.
workshopcam http://www.okhuijsen.org/plane