That was Jon Tye's I think. He did exactly what you said. Incidentally
he was the launch customer, he built kit no 1,( a Classic of course.)
His instrument panel weighed around 17 lbs. Most come in around 40? He
did use a panel mounted handheld radio btw.
Next lightest was Trevor Jackson's (kit no 3) which now lives near
Vienna with Ernst Keppert and also had a handheld radio.
Both flew beautifully
There's another very light one but I don't know who it is.
Paul McAllister wrote:
> Andrew,
> I wish I could give you a "one liner" but I can't,
> The lightest Europa built was around 730 pounds I believe which was an
> amazing achievement. I suspect that the builder just scrutinized absolutely
> every thing.
> Paul