> Hi All,
> I attempted to ask this a few days ago but my mail bounced back once and
> vanished the second time. I will try again.
> I loaded the fuselage on the mono-trailer yesterday for the first time.
> This is a Europa USA locally built steel trailer and I have my doubts as
> to whether it is the same diminsions as the current ones. I was not able
> to close the ramp all the way up, but sufficiently to capture the gear a
> little. I wanted to know if the wide (8") edge of the ramp is suppose to
> make contact with the front of the landing gear frame. And, how deep does
> the sides of the landing gear frame get captured by the raised ramp?
> That's one issue.
> The tail wheel is hitting the tongue jack. This needs work, possibly
> trimming the mount for the jack and making a capture device.
> When I put the wings on I noted the spars don't fit square into holders. I
> think these have been changed in design as well. Can someone that has
> their plane on the trailer take some pictures close up in these 3 areas
> and post them or email them to me? I need to get the plane to the paint
> shop soon. Thanks.
> Troy Maynor
> N120EU Europa Monowheel Classic
> Left to finish:
> Paint,(some) interior,engine install, (some) wiring.
> Weaverville, NC USA