Hi! Ralph
You aren't retarded .....well any more than myself !
Wow! a couple of days ago I was "pigged off" and now find myself helping
others in distress ! thanks for the opportunity.
I don't study modern circuit diagrams very amiably, or sit and read
instructions on a VDU screen either. However at the expense of asking
I'm pleased to say the answer is simple ...Rotax don't do shielded mag.
kill wires and switches in spite of very adequately providing all the
other wires, shielded in the case of alternator wires (yellow) and posh
black nylon sleeve round them too. Thanks to my pal Ivor Phillips I can
advise that you need to provide your own shielded wire and switches for
the job.
In my case no big deal since my Jabiru wires are adequate to swap
straight over. All you need to know further is the location of the
engine end and where to fix them..... On the top of the engine you will
find a couple of cigarette size black boxes and some electrical connect
plugs. These are A and B shown on the circuit drawing. In the corner
each of the connectors you will find what appears to be one location
without a wire in seemingly blanked off. If you carefully (using a
sewing needle) prick into and prise out the black blanking material you
will find it to be a rubber grommet (be careful since to " have them go
walk about you won't find them again !)
Now in your kit you will find either a couple of bullet connectors
(older engine packs) or a pair of bright silver slim spade connectors
these connectors need crimping to the wires which you have provided
along with the grommets so that when inserted back in the connector
holes they will seal against ingress of water.
Ian Rickard kindly furnished me with the "key" numbers of the remaining
wires which I'm sure is useful to know, I've copied them below for your
Bob Harrison G-PTAG with thanks to all who messaged to help on my cry of
frustration !
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of G-IANI
Sent: 11 June 2007 10:38
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Rotax Circuit Wiring
The diagram that Ivor has sent you is the correct one..
Some of the wires (which you are unlikely to get wrong as they are
already connected) are not marked on the diagram. For information here
are the rest. These are shown on the wiring harness diagram. I have a
very tatty paper copy but have never found a PDF.
12,24,17 and 36 are the serial connection (for setting the throttle etc)
7, 13 and 19 also go to the turbo servo but are not shown on the diagram
3 and 4 are the air box temperature sensor
15 and 27 are the taco connections
5 and 22 are the card air box solenoid
8,20 and 32 go to the throttle position sensor
Ian Rickard #505 G-IANI XS Trigear
Europa Club Mods Rep (Trigear)
e-mail mods@europaclub.org.uk
or direct g-iani@ntlworld.com
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Ralph K.
Hallett III
Sent: 12 June 2007 14:51
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Rotax Circuit Wiring
Thanks for your timely question on the mag wires. However, I am still
very confused, I can't figure where the mag wires are, or where they
come out of the A & B boxes. The Rotax diagram shows shielded leads
running from the boxes and to the mag switches. I am really feeling like
a retard!