To all Listers
I have just received a call from Francis Donaldson, Chief Engineer of the UK
Popular Flying Association, asking me to give maximum publicity to the
safety bulletins that have just been issued following the recent tragic loss
of Peter and William. Full details are published on the PFA web site
but I repeat here the introductory paragraph and the links to the bulletins:
This week PFA Engineering issued two mandatory safety bulletins to all
Europa owners following the fatal crash of Europa G-HOFC which appears to
have involved an in-flight break up caused by tailplane flutter. The
aircraft was an early Classic model of Europa, which had previously accrued
over 900 flying hours. PFA Engineering staff are working with the AAIB to
help them identify the cause of the flutter but in the meantime have issued
bulletins calling for mandatory inspections of the tailplanes, tailplanes
mass balances and rear wing pin attachment before next flight, with the
tailplane checks being repeated at every ten flying hours. Owners are being
sent these bulletins by post but they can also be downloaded here:
<> Europa Flight Safety
Bulletin 006
<> Europa Flight Safety
Bulletin 007
These bulletins are issued as Class A, and are mandatory for all the UK
Europa permit holders before next flight. However, Francis has advised me
that if anyone has difficulty in getting an inspector to the aeroplane (e.g.
they want permission for a ferry flight) he can grant temporary exemption.
Once the UK Civil Aviation Authority has issued the Mandatory Permit
Directives - probably sometime next week - then such exemption may have to
be sought from the CAA.
I understand that it may still be sometime before a formal report comes from
the UK Air Accident Investigation Board, and the investigation is still
ongoing. However, from the safety point of view PFA Engineering considered
that the sooner all Europas are checked the better.
Fly safely
Mike Gregory
Europa Club Safety Officer
PS please don't ask me for any clarification, as I have no further
information and shall be away without e-mail for the next two days.