William Daniell a crit :
> what effect do stall strips have?
> (I think) I know that they stall the root first...but then what happens?
That's correct.
You get plenty of warning prior to the stall, and even if you get into
the stall you maintain roll control.
> I remember reading a book by I think chuck yeager or one of his buddies who
> said that the mustang used to snap roll when stalled in a turn...
Most light airplanes give plenty of warning, are reluctant to stall in a
turn, and if really obliged to, gently lower the upper wing, regaining a
wing level attitude.
Some homebuilts are not so well behaved, often due to discrepancies in
wing rigging.
All the above assuming the slip ball is reasonably centered....
Otherwise, you may enter a spin, and MANY light aircraft might snap
towards the lower wing....
Gilles Thesee