Thank you, Laura.
Please know that alongside our anxiety to understand the technical
issues in this dreadful accident, we are all of us aware of the human
loss which you and Paul's and William's families have suffered. Your
grace at this time is an example to all.
Best wishes
Willie Harrison
On 22 Jun 2007, at 19:02, Laura Farmer wrote:
> All,
> F Y I ..... the AAIB called me today and told me they will be
> releasing a "special bulletin" in approximately 10 day's time,
> presumably giving their findings to date ?
> He assures me that he will speak to myself and Paul's family, and
> William's family before releasing it, but the recent findings were
> released to the PFA before we were informed of them. We do,
> however, appreciate that you, as aviators, need to be told as soon
> as anything is found.
> Regards,
> Laura Farmer
> (Paul Sweeting's fiancee)