You are right about treating symptoms. I too am still very puzzled about
the cause of William's accident. There are certainly a lot of Europas
around with 1/2" of looseness in the tailplanes. This arises from that
rather unwise requirement to drill the TP 10s through the torque tube
and the TP4s. imho that is where most of this particular problem starts.
The other problem is the security of the TP6 bush which is required to
keep the tailplane in place. It can come loose from more than one cause.
Slop in the TP12 allowing hammering while taxying on rough ground.
Damage caused during derigging or on the trailer.
I suspect this unhappy situation is, like most accidents, the result of
more than one factor combining to produse an accident.
I do find it incredible that it was possible to pull the wings off at 90
kts.( But then I haven't done the sums.)
karelvranken wrote:
> <karelvranken@hotmail.com>
> Nigel,
> I can follow your explanation except when you write: "What is dangerous
> is if the taiplanes move outwards allowing them to disconnect the TP10
> pins." TP10's are nylon tubes. You mean perhaps the pins on the TP12?
> Others do have the same problem hence the discussions: clamps
> or taper pins. Finally no definite solution nor mandatory modification.
> The play measured at trailing edge may not be more then 1/2".
> Karel Vranken,