We removed the tailplane supports from the trailer the day it arrived. We
knew from others that this could cause the TP5 bond to break. They have
always been carried in the back of the car (on blankets).
----- Original Message -----
From: "Karl Heindl" <kheindl@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 11:43 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Extension of outboard Tailplane pip pin holes?
> Carl, I can confirm the trailer aspect. Before first flight I towed my
> Europa for 1000 km on bumpy Canadian roads. At the end of the trip the
> inboard TP5's had worked themselves loose. I pulled them out and rebonded
> them with floxed redux. No problems since then. But those vertical
> supports on the trailer should never be used. I now carry the tailplanes
> in the back of my car.
> Karl
>>From: "Carl Pattinson" <carl@flyers.freeserve.co.uk>
>>Reply-To: europa-list@matronics.com
>>To: <europa-list@matronics.com>
>>Subject: Re: Europa-List: Extension of outboard Tailplane pip pin holes?
>>Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 22:51:35 +0100
>>Several Europa pilots have commented on the fact that my pip pins are a
>>loose fit in the torque tube and advised I should drill them properly and
>>fit oversize pins. Fortunately I never got round to it which seems to have
>>been a blessing in disguise.
>>Another cause of the sleeves disbonding is transporting the tailplanes on
>>the Europa trailer. This places a direct strain on the TP6 sleeve, much
>>more that caused by flying or taxying over "rough ground".
>>I would suggest that if you trailer the tailplanes on the trailer, regular
>>checks of the TP6 sleeves would be a good idea.
>>Carl Pattinson
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Ron Jones
>> To: europa-list@matronics.com
>> Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 9:58 PM
>> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Extension of outboard Tailplane pip pin
>> holes?
>> Hi Bob,
>> Slotting the pip-pin holes in the torque tube was recommended to me by
>> Neville - in the presence of Ivan and Andy. It makes good sense and I
>> slotted mine about 1 mm in each direction. Thank goodness, I have no free
>> play anywhere but my pip-pin recesses are non-standard (but IMHO, much
>> better!)
>> Regards,
>> Ron Jones.
>> G-RJWX (XS 359)
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