In light of all the recent conversation, I think it would be appropriate for
the gathering of named individuals qualified to give re-current Europa
training. I myself need someone who is monowheel qualified to do re-current
training. This might be a list that would be posted on the public side of
the Europa Clubs website. It also might be an opportunity for training
standards to be developed by this group as it relates to the Europa in it's
various configurations. We did the same type of thing with the EMS
helicopter industry here in the states when they were suffering from a high
accident rate in the mid 80's, and got the FAA to buy into it before they
and the insurance companies took the issue to extremes.
By having training standards specific to the Europa we might be able to get
in front of any regulatory or insurance issues and if nothing else have
safer more competent pilots, not implying that we don't already.
Just a though to be passed around to the group, as our aircraft and pilot
numbers grow it can only be to our advantage. Besides I was never one to
believed you couldn't teach an old dog new tricks. During my commercial
helicopters years, I always looked forward to check rides with our most
talented instructors because I always picked up one or two pointers each
time as well as reviewing the standards.
So if you are on the west side of the pond and interested in doing
re-current monowheel training please contact me off list.
Steve Crimm