Hallo William,
> From the sound of it, many contributors to this forum are converging
> on a hypothesis about the failure sequence along the following lines:
> - Slop builds up between TP12 and TP4. Perhaps this starts as a finite
> amount of freeplay from an imperfect build and then continues to build
> up through the repeated little impacts of the stabs and mass balance
> bouncing off each other during normal and abnormal use, eg taxiing
> over rough ground, effects of being trailered etc)
> - Eventually, the slop builds to the point the pip pins are sharing
> some of the torsional loads via the TP6s. This puts increasing load on
> the bonded joint between the TP6 and the stab until one day that joint
> fails.
Maybe TP6 might also come adrift in the absence of slop?
Transport? Rigging? Maybe a good shove is needed to engage drive pins in
Jan de Jong