The torque tube is chrome plated 4130 I believe, stainless isn't strong
You may have spotted the weakest link in the chain, if the TP9 & 12 had
more bearing area the slop problem might go away. Wouldn't be much
weight penalty either.
OTH clamp bolting as Nigel Graham did years ago might be the best answer.
Carl Pattinson wrote:
> There is a slight misunderstanding regarding where the wear in the
> "torque tube assembly" occurrs. The torque tube itself is a hardened
> (possibly crome moly) steel.
> Having just implemented Mod 62 we found that there was no noticeable
> wear in the torque tube itself. All the wear occurred in the TP9 and
> TP12 components as these do not appear to be hardened steel (or as hard
> as the torque tube itself).