on 07/7/1 10:37 AM, Fred Klein at fklein@orcasonline.com wrote:
> On Sunday, July 1, 2007, at 09:17 AM, Carl Pattinson wrote:
>> Our gascolator is a cheap aviation kit type filter with a metal bowl
>> and drain valve at the bottom. The fine gauze filter is a flat mesh
>> circle in the top of the unit. The fuel enters through the bottom of
>> the chamber and leaves through the top.
> Carl,
> I note in Acft. Spruce Cat. that the only "aviation kit type filter" is
> not recommended for auto fuel; do you recall the name brand and model #
> of what you're using?
> Fred
I have used that same Aircraft Spruce filter for 340 hours. Just made my own
top gasket, to replace the original one.
Peter Timm