Doing Jury Service this week... on Monday the judge asked what an Excel
spreadsheet was :-)
Shades of that fantastic Not The Nine O'Clock News Sketch with the digital
watch, video recorder, and deluxe-model inflatable doll...
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of William
Sent: 03 July 2007 10:37
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Safety Data
I once worked for a consulting company which was commissioned to
design an ethernet filter (it was a long time ago). One of our more
challenged colleagues was heard to say, "I can't understand why
anyone would want to filter ether through a net anyway..."
Willie H
> <>
> Excuse me, but raw data re Europa accidents is freely available
> from (vastly most of
> the cases) and from --
> both using query re Europa.
> Jeesh, we can competently build an airplane much more than a
> Pietenpol, post to the net re safety issues, but cannot do the
> simple "internets" keystroke/mouse-click thing? :-)
> Seriously, all the raw data is there. Very interesting, and mostly
> reassuring IMV, for this A/C type in hands of diligent builders/
> flyers.
> For those wondering about my pluralization of "internets," this
> refers to a quote by our aging, U.S. Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska
> trying to expound on his knowledge if this technology. So much so,
> Keith Olberman on MSNBC here constantly and similarly refers to the
> net as plural. :-) Our Senate is leastwise one-up on the House of
> Lords, who would never once so mis-use our non-native tongue!