> This is the reason why the instructions make a point of
> not removing any bid/epoxy around the hole on the
> underside, in the event the pip pin ball should not
> open on the underside of the new layup, but instead buy
> a longer pip pin. Removing bid/epoxy here would
> defeat that secondary retention function of the mod.
I am going to disagree with this. I think this requirement
to "buy a bigger pip-pin" is unreasonable.
Firstly, the amount of bid/resin required to be removed to
get the pip pin to release its balls is tiny - see how big
the balls are ! Maybe a ring of 25 thou of resin/bid would
need to be removed.
Secondly I understand that the pip pin BLS4R17N is
somewhat out of fashion and that it and BLS4R07N (much
shorter) are the only ones readily available.
BLS4R17N is a 1 3/4 inch pip pin. There are 2 inch pip
pins available in a different style but with much larger
The other factor is that the BLS4R17N are about 50 each
---From E(2004), so the Mod 73 fix is a few quid in resin and
maybe an extra 100 plus VAT if a bigger pip pin is
required (if they can find any).
It may be that E(2004) can be persuaded to charge only
cost price for the longer pip pins (around 20 - 25
maybe). This problem is after all a design problem.
Hunkering down down to avoid all the flack that will
probably come my way.
G-OWWW grounded now for 5 weeks :-(