My intention is not to criticise or label anyone but I feel there has been a
lot of unwarranted negativity - IMHO !!!!. Perhaps my choice of words was
unfortunate and if so I apologise.
What I am acutely aware of is this is a public forum and what we say here
will find its way to the aviation community as a whole. Although i'm not
planning to sell my plane anytime soon I sincerely hope that when I do the
Europa hasn't acquired a misguided reputation for being a dangerous
aircraft. It wouldnt surprise me if there weren't some Europa builders out
there wondering what the hell have I got myself into.
Despite the tragedy of the recent crash I personally havent lost confidence
in the aircraft and will continue to fly it in the belief that it is as safe
as we can make it.
Mods are a fact of aviation life - 73 for the Europa so far. But i'm sure
this is comparable with many other aircraft.
Again, apologies to all if my comments have caused offence.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Parkin" <mikenjulie.parkin@btinternet.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Europa Tailplane - Mod 73
> <mikenjulie.parkin@btinternet.com>
> Carl,
> Just because people do not conform with your own train of thought it does
> not mean that they are knee-jerking or the unfortunate sufferers of a Mass
> Paranoia. All it means is they have a different opinion to you. Those
> people, misguided as they may be, are entitled to their opinion..... as
> are you.
> regards,
> Mike
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Carl Pattinson" <carl@flyers.freeserve.co.uk>
> To: <europa-list@matronics.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 11:26 AM
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Europa Tailplane - Mod 73
>> <carl@flyers.freeserve.co.uk>
>> Hear, Hear - I couldnt agree more.
>> What will prevent future accidents is vigilance and care, not knee jerk
>> redesigns.
>> The current PFA solution may not be perfect but it is simply intended to
>> bring ALL Europas up to a safe standad. The likelyhood is that 99% of
>> Europas are safe anyway (but we just dont know).
>> I just dont see the need for mass paranoia. How many of us have checked
>> th security of our TP6 joints recently? How many of us found faulty
>> bonds. I suspect the answer is Zero. If I am wrong, Mod73 will fix that.
>> I agree that a more robust fix should be implemented in the future but
>> IMHO this would be more about confidence in the Europa fleet then
>> increasing the safety factor.
>> You cant get away from the fact that the Europa has shown itself to be a
>> very safe aircraft over the last 10 years.
>> Carl Pattinson
>> Still Flying (the Europa !!!)
>>> Jos made the point. Hundreds of Europas have flown tens of
>>> thousands of hours without any previous sign of any
>>> serious problems in the elevator fixing.
>>> The AAIB have NOT yet reported (the interim report said
>>> nothing) and it may not have been the TP6 that was the
>>> primary cause of the accident.
>>> Why go for belt, braces and piece of string solutions to a
>>> problem that may not exist ?
>>> Any long term fix should be required not instantly but in
>>> the course of a reasonable period. But we do need a final
>>> solution not a series of solutions, each more onerous and
>>> complicated and expensive than the previous.
>>> Richard Holder
>>> G-OWWW High Cross
>> --
>> 269.10.8/904 - Release Date: 16/07/2007 17:42