To answer your questions; I have completed Mod 73 and ordered new 2" pins -
my reason is that I had non standard pip pin holes where the sides were not
structural. I have therefore redone the holes but left the base of the
original hole in place (2 circles of bid floxed to TP6.) My new pip pin
recess then had 2 more plys of bid formed into cones and added to the top of
TP6. Accordingly with the 4 plys of bid on the underneath, and 4 plys on the
top I have added 0.1" of fibreglass )plus any build up of flox) to the
outside diameter measurement of the TP6 tube. All this adds upto the pip
pins being fractionally too short (probably about 0.05" to 0.15".
In answer to your second point about grinding away the base of the TP6 pip
pin hole, I spoke to Andy regarding this and he confirmed that it would be
in order but as long as the plys in the under pip pin hole were not touched.
I have taken the view that I would prefer extra belt and braces for my
installation and have ordered the new pins accordingly. I had not
appreciated that the pip pins did not have to contact either top or bottom
surfaces as long as they do not migrate out of the holes.
So you can see that you may very well be OK with your installation and it is
the rest of us who have added extra layers for no good reason.
I hope this concurs with other Europa owners views.
Steve Pitt