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Europa-List: Mod 73 results

Subject: Europa-List: Mod 73 results
From: nigel charles <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 11:20:15
Having done Mod 73 I have the following comments to offer:

1.      As peel ply can suck resin from the cloth I find it is important
to make sure it is well wetted out when laying it in position. Otherwise
a partially dry lay is discovered after peeling off after cure.
2.      As a result of the above I found that resin had puddle slightly
in the bottom of the lay up. This has added a small amount to the final
thickness which has ensured that I need longer pip pins.
3.      By chance I have a length of aluminium tube which is a perfect
sliding fit to avoid having to do the lay up on the aircraft. Even a
patch of the thinnest packing tape almost gets scraped from the tube as
it is inserted. With a little grease it did finally make it through to
the lay up area. This tube was long enough to do both tailplanes
together and is available for loan. 

Name   Country            Airplane reg.     Type   Progress on mod 73
Disbonding of TP6       pip pins used   Any problems found 
Richard Iddon    UK                    G-RIXS              Tri gear
Completed                None found                        2 in.
Nothing major
Steve Pitt         UK                    G-SMDH              Tri gear
Completed                    None found                    2"
Nothing major
Ron Jones        UK                    G-RJWX              Mono
Completed                   None found               Original    
Tim Ward         NZ                     ZK-TIM                   Mono
Not Done                    None Found             Original        Very
slight movement in starboard  TP12. Present on installing (1998)- no
Danny Shepherd UK                  G-CERI                Tri gear
Completed                    None found                   2"

Graham Drake   UK                   G-CCOV                Mono
Completed                   None Found                  2"
Sarah Attubato  UK                   G-BXDP                 Mono
Completed                   None Found                  2"
These are new replacement tailplanes that had already been built
David Watts      UK                    G-BXDY                Mono
Completed                   None found                   2"
            Nigel Charles     UK                    G-MIME
Mono                Completed                     None found
2"            Nothing major.


Nigel Charles

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