I dont want to knock anybodys worthy efforts in compiling a list of Mod
73'ers but I agree whole heartedly that this job would be better handled
by the Europa club committee.
My pesonal view (which I have stated before) is that inspectors should
be required report irregularities/ problems as a matter of routine to
either the PFA or the aircraft manfacturer so that results can be
collated and potential accidents pre-empted. Unfortunately this isnt
going to happen.
I agree that confidentiality is a big issue and those of us who find
irregularities may choose not add their details to the list. This will
create the impression that everything in the garden is rosy when it may
in fact not be.
Another complication is that some of us (me included) may choose to fly
off the 10 hours allowed before undertaking the work so it may be some
time before a complete list is compiled.
Finally many Europa owners are not membersof this forum so will be
excluded from the survey.
The only way to produce a meaningful survey would be for the factory to
require all Europa owners to participate in the survey which would be
collated by either themselves or the PFA. The advantage of channeling
this exercise through the Europa club (assuming they would accept the
task) is that individual annonymity could be guaranteed and only the
figures need be reported back to the authorities.
I am totally in favour with your proposal Bryan but I will be happy to
add my details to the current list if the EC arent able step into the
----- Original Message -----
From: bryan allsop
To: europa-list@matronics.com
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 9:05 PM
Subject: Europa-List: TP6 Bonding Survey
Whilst I can see the attractions of carrying out Richards suggestion
for a live listing of mod 73 findings, I feel that it will fall a long
way short of what I had in mind. In the long term there are three
problems with it.
1. Time scale. It could take a while for some people to complete the
mod. In that time most will loose the motivation to participate inthe
2. Confidentiality. Many people may not wish to have details of their
aircrafts's shortcomigs on public display. In which case any bond
failures are less likely to be reported.
3. Completeness. Since we would have no way of knowing how complete
the feedback is, we would never know when the survey has any value. It
would be nice to have 100% response.
I feel that any survey should be authorised by our committee. The
committee has a full list of Euopas, and their owners. It will be easy
to establish when a response is missing. Members can respond in
confidence knowing that aircraft details will not be shown with the
results. Sorry Mike, it sounds like a job for the Safety Officer.
It should be remembered that many aircraft will not be modified by
their owners, the info may have to come from the inspectors, or the
people employed to carry out the mod., via the owner.
Perhaps responses should be listed against age, model of Europa (are
Monos less vulnerable, or Classics, or Trikes).
OK, it sounds rather ponderous now. Sorry about that.
Regrds to all.
Bryan Allsop G BYSA
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