Alasdair Milne UK G-CBYN Completed None 1.75 (not changed) None
Quoting Richard Iddon <>:
> There has been a suggestion that 'someone' should collate the findings
> and results from doing mod 73.
> I have also noted the way that the visitors to Oshkosh have added their
> names to a round robin list. Maybe we could do something similar on the
> forum for the mod.
> As an example or to make a start
> Name Country Airplane reg.
> Progress on mod 73 Disbonding of TP6 pip pins used Any
> problems found
> Richard Iddon UK G-RIXS
> Completed None found 2 in.
> Nothing major
> If anyone has any better idea, please feel free to add to the above,
> modify or offer suggestions. Once most members have done the mod the
> results can be emailed to the PFA although I guess that they will be
> monitoring this site.
> Richard Iddon G-RIXS
> 18/07/2007 15:30