"This was done on builds with the foam cores that you covered with BID.
What about the tail planes that came pre-covered, as in the quick build
kits? Since they came after the foam core, was this mod done to them"
Let me try and clear this up for you.
Quick build kits were foam cores that were taken to Czech and built up
for you. From those I have seen they are extremely well made and are
built exactly to the build manual. They do not have the mod 10672.
They do vary slightly in that the TP6 bush (in one I have just done Mod
73 on) is 12mm longer than the TP6 in all the other tail planes.
There are some "pre-moulded" tail planes (ie no foam core) but as far as
I know only Andy Draper's (G-GBXS) and Peter Kember's (G-TOPK) have them
fitted. I believe the factory has a small number of them in stock.
Ian Rickard #505 G-IANI XS Trigear
Europa Club Mods Rep (Trigear)
e-mail mods@europaclub.org.uk
or direct g-iani@ntlworld.com