To your question:
> I have heard it said that the Bose ANR headsets (Aviation X) aren't
> brilliant with a Rotax - due to the frequencies being so much higher than
> with a Lycosaurus. Can anyone out their comment?
I have used this headset for about two years, but have no experience with
other ANR sets. To my ears they are as effective (and very noticeably
effective) in my Europa with Rotax as in Cessna 172s and Piper Cherokees
with Lycomings.
Apart from the comfort of much less noise in the ears, a side effect is that
you speak in a more normal voice on the radio - no need to "shout" to
overcome noise. Also, using the cell phone via an adapter (I have
SafetyCell's) for the headset's mike and headphones works fine.
I have padded the metal going over the top of my head to avoid scratches in
the window in bumpy air.