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Europa-List: Fw: *** SPAM *** Mod 74

Subject: Europa-List: Fw: *** SPAM *** Mod 74
From: Carl Pattinson <>
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 12:20:56


 While I cant fault your reasoning on this matter all I would say is that 
you are missing the point.

 Europa aircraft provides a service, not just bundled components sourced 
---From RS or elsewhere. Someone ???? has to pay for that service and this is
 reflected in the cost of parts/ kits supplied.

 Better that Europa charge extortionate prices (allegedly) and stay in 
business than being cheap and going bust.

Having owned a company that went  bust I learned that lesson the hard way - 
and believe me it was a very
 expensive lesson !


> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Richard Holder" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2007 12:00 AM
> Subject: *** SPAM *** Mod 74
>> Carl wrote
>>> With only 500 or so aircraft out there you have to sell
>>> a hell of a lot of spares and kits just to cover the
>>> day to day running costs of the business.
>>> Its easy to work out the cost of the raw materials and
>>> argue that the final cost is a rip off but Europa
>>> dosent enjoy the economies of scale that larger
>>> businesses enjoy. The thousand or so wing pins that
>>> have to be manufactured will certainly cost more than a
>>> few pence each.
>> I doubt if it is as many as that - there weren't 500
>> classics !
>> Anyway if the nuts and washers are 1 the set (and that is
>> overgenerous) do you think the pins cost 19.50 each ?
>> When buying say 600 ? I doubt it - more like 5 each -
>> giving Europa a fat profit of 300 x 29 = 8700 (handling
>> and postage is charged separately) for something that if
>> it had occurred on the watch of the original Europa
>> company would have been provided for free as a mandatory
>> mod caused by a design fault.
>>> No one likes having to shell out for mandatory mods but
>>> fifty quid for a safer aircraft sounds like a bargain
>>> to me.
>> It is not likely to make the aircraft safer. There are
>> hundreds out there whose wing pin mounts have been
>> inspected and passed. And they have done tens of thousands
>> of hours. William's accident was not caused by the win
>> pins. The wing pin separated because of some other causal
>> event.
>> Nor is it 50. Based on Mod 73 the work is going to cost
>> another 200 - 300, and more down time.
>> Richard

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