The RV design is very suspect as well. We had two of them run out of fue
l on takeoff,
and one stall spin to final this year already in my area. 5 fatal. Must b
e a bad design.
Glenn> Subject: Europa-List: Re
: Europa accident G-HOFC - PFA comment> From:> Date: Sun,
t message posted by: "josok" <>> > No sign off, so no name
to answer:> No, it's even worse. You forget the owners that died even befor
e they finished their planes. Even some neighbors of Europa builders and pi
lots died. There must be something terribly wrong. > In reality investigati
ons show that running out of gas and forgetting to fly the plane, coming in
too slow and stall-spin on final, trying to return form upwind and stall a
re pilot related and could be fatal. > In any plane. > The last accident is
still under investigation. > The nice thing with numbers is that you can d
o so many things with them. Adding them up is the first thing we learn. Lat
er in our education we usually learn that manipulating numbers has only mea
ning if we can stick some common factor to them. > > Regards,> > Jos Okhuij
=====> > >
See what you=92re getting into=85before you go there.