Errr, Carl, I think Glenn was taking the piss out of the 'Finklea' plonker
Now, if I remember correctly, Glenn is American and Carl is British. Ya
gotta love the irony in a Brit missing irony that has come from an
American... J
[] On Behalf Of Carl Pattinson
Sent: 29 July 2007 15:46
Subject: Europa-List: Europa accident G-HOFC - PFA comment
Im getting kinda pissed off with some of the mindless (and dangerous)
comments that certain individuals seem to make - but then you have the
right to make them (just as I have the right to get pissed off).
Designers do not have absolute control over how their designs are built -
When your car (or plane) runs out of gas is it the designers fault - NO its
yours !!!
When your plane spins into the ground because you are a stupid pilot is it
the designers fault - NO its the pilots fault.
Bad design - where's your evidence ?
I hope you don't own a Europa (or an RV) because by the time you have
finished telling the world how badly designed they are, they wont be worth
bugger all.
Rant over.
PS: My comments ar in no way directed towards Williams tragic demise.
The fact is we dont know what happened so should refrain from speculating
till we do (or till the AAIB makes its findings known)
----- Original Message -----
From: glenn crowder <>
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 3:15 PM
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Re: Europa accident G-HOFC - PFA comment
The RV design is very suspect as well. We had two of them run out of fuel
on takeoff,
and one stall spin to final this year already in my area. 5 fatal. Must be
a bad design.
> Subject: Europa-List: Re: Europa accident G-HOFC - PFA comment
> From:
> Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 13:00:50 +0300
> To:
> No sign off, so no name to answer:
> No, it's even worse. You forget the owners that died even before they
finished their planes. Even some neighbors of Europa builders and pilots
died.. There must be something terribly wrong.
> In reality investigations show that running out of gas and forgetting to
fly the plane, coming in too slow and stall-spin on final, trying to return
form upwind and stall are pilot related and could be fatal.
> In any plane.
> The last accident is still under investigation.
> The nice thing with numbers is that you can do so many things with them.
Adding them up is the first thing we learn. Later in our education we
usually learn that manipulating numbers has only meaning if we can stick
some common factor to them.
> Regards,
> Jos Okhuijsen
> Visit -
> =====
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