I expect you have seen Francis Donaldson's letter of 30 July. As well
as summarising how things stand on mods 73 and 74, his letter seems
to reset the ten hour clock regarding mod 73. This was previously
within 10 flying hours of the date of the previous notice (12/7).
Now, by my reading at least, it says it is within ten flying hours of
the date of the most recent notice (30/7). For many, this won't make
a difference, for some it would. Do you know if my interpretation is
Best wishes
On 13 Jul 2007, at 19:18, Mike Gregory wrote:
> Willie,
> We have now spoken on the phone ' your message crossed with my
> posting explaining that it is not within the gift of the PFA to
> extend or eliminate the 10-hour inspection, but requires action by
> the CAA, who are not moving on this at the current stage of the
> AAIB investigation. I'm putting this message on the List so that
> others may share a more optimistic outlook about the way ahead.
> You are not the only one to express concern regarding the severity
> of the 10-hour restriction, on touring operations particularly. We
> are all hoping that the inspection intervals can be extended to 25
> or 50 hours, or (preferably) eliminated. However, as the PFA
> receive reports from inspectors on the results of the 10-hourly
> inspections, they should soon learn whether there are many
> instances of aircraft passing one inspection and failing the next:
> if not, they should be able to use this evidence to recommend to
> the CAA that the intervals can be extended. Otherwise, they will
> certainly want to consider further measures to improve the
> integrity of the system so that frequent inspections are no longer
> needed.