Hi! All,
Pleased to report that after 18 months grounded "Me and my bird got it
up" today. First landing was a little rusty especially since I hadn't
thought to do a stall test to prove the ASI was good so landed a little
fast, second was fair but the nose came off as a secondary lift was
caught in time.
Quite a learning curve knowing where the power is, compared with the
noise of the Jabiru Six etc. but I expect I'll get used to it! Thrilled
to find the temperatures are all good .especially with the massive
changes to the front of the cowl and the barrel hood fitted.
Just a note to other Europa operators:-
My ASI problem was partly due to a disturbed pitot pipe connection, but
also importantly to note that the "o" rings on the pitot pipe connectors
at the wing fitment were badly perished, only really identifiable by
removing them but not without a replacement to hand!
The size of the "o" rings for 1/8" connectors is :- 3/16" ID 5/16"OD
making a sectional diameter of 1/16" for the rubber. There will be a
dozen or so in the "assortment " box held by any hydraulics or
pneumatics outfit. Suggest the club gets a supply provisioned. IMHO an
annual inspection should remove these rings and put them under a
magnifying glass considering how important the instrument is to safe
landing. Mine must be 10 years old with the kit being collected in 1997
plus however long on Europa's shelf!
Smile is beginning to break out ..!