It was Nigel Charles who mentioned it for the first time already a couple of
years ago. He specified that the capacity raised by 6-7 liters but that is
up to every body in particular to remeasure the contents. I am also used to
keep it plenished to avoid eventual condensation. Anyway it is a point in my
checklist and easy for those who rig and derig for every flight, like I do.
Karel Vranken.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Burrows" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 11:17 AM
Subject: RE: Europa-List: RE: Fuel Tank leak was it empty
> <>
> Hi Svein
> I think they all seem to do that. It's very noticeable with the wings
> removed when you peer into the "space", so I wouldnt worry to much about
> the swelling. If Ron is correct however, then I wouldnt leave it empty
> for
> any period of time from now on. Just my opinion.
> Cheers
> Alan