Yes, Mark I was referring to your posting.
One thing I hear again and again (well I heard it from William first) is how
smooth the prop runs.
I never felt the Warp prop was noticeably rough but (having balanced the
carbs and blades) always had the feeling it could be better.
It just feels "gravelly" at certain speeds but then maybe all props are
prone to this.
Carl Pattinson
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Burton" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 9:56 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Emailing: IMG_0410, IMG_0411
> Hi Carl,
> Assuming it is I your message is directed at, I am based at Sleap (EGCV).
> My a/c is a tri-gear so we can't really directly compare them.
> However, I have noticed that the SR3000 seems to perform noticeably better
> at low speed compared to the other props I have had so it may well provide
> the t/o performance you are looking for. I know that William (Mills)
> thought that the low speed performance was very good.
> Hi Bob, what's the acceleration like on PTAG now?
> Mark
> Read this topic online here: