Hi to all..re Jabiru performance.To add to my prior comments on this
forum.Any other Canadians may come across the same problems I had with
Transport Canada (aviation MDRA).With Sylvesters cowling fitted the datum on
the front of the cowling is advanced by approx 5 inches compared to a
Rotax.This led to some very interesting numbers when calculating the weight
and balances with max fuel two standard as speced occupants and examples of
max fwd and max aft loadings when providing examples as required to fit in
the envelope.Additional remarks about the Jabiru Europa combo are my empty
weight is 890 lbs but I have yet to fit the wheel pants and fairings,yet my
speed and fuel consumption are almost identical to Johns.I would appreciate
any comments about the virtues of another prop.I spent some time resetting
the Grand Rapids EFIS system but it seems to be correct now,had some
problems with my Garmin GPS,a new aerial fixed that,but the Jabiru is
vibration free and the sound it makes, well it is a purr that is a pleasure
to behold,unlike any other it is the closest thing to poetry in motion that
I know of.Canadian MDRA required that I change the clasps on the seat belts
to the pull up to release type,the flex fuel hosing that is fine in the
U.S.does not cut the mustard up here and in line fuel filters of the element
type are an absolute no-no. Any Europa owners that are visiting out this way
are welcome to contact me for a flight in the Rockies.Near us, in a valley
is a particularly lofty mountain with a hole all the way through it, near
the peak,my aviation pal with an RV6 swears that he could fly through it if
he can tilt 90 deg first,I will send a picture to the Europa mag of the hole
and mountain only. Frank S Wood C-FIYD
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gilles Thesee" <Gilles.Thesee@ac-grenoble.fr>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Jabiriopa performance numbers
> <Gilles.Thesee@ac-grenoble.fr>
>> Sure, I've done many, many speed measurements, especially lately with all
>> the flow testing I've been doing on the wings and I'm happy to share my
>> numbers. Mine is a trigear with an empty weight of 909lbs. The C of G
>> is a little over 60". Typically what I see on a 75F day is 134 kts in
>> cruise at 2850 rpm at 3500' burning 4.6gph according to my Grand Rapids
>> fuel flow meter. One recent cross country flight I saw a TAS of 148kts at
>> 7500' at the same throttle setting.....
>> I have flown at 1450 lbs gross on several occasions and I'm still
>> climbing in the neighborhood of 1200-1300 fpm. If I back off to 2650 RPM,
>> I cruise at 125kts and my fuel burn goes down to 3.8- 4.0 gph. I have
>> worked hard on getting the mixture well balanced between the cylinders by
>> playing with the needle jet and needle setting, as well as the float
>> level in the carby. I''ve also twisting the carby slightly left from
>> vertical to even out the mixture. I now have EGT's all within about 40F
>> of each other and my plugs are a nice tan color. I also am running the
>> Iridium plugs now with great success. This engine will idle at about 500
>> rpm with the Iridium plugs and still maintain about 22psi OP. I believe
>> I have a handle on the cooling thing on all but the hottest days, and
>> then it's only an issue in extended climbs on the #4 cylinder.
> John,
> Thank you for providing those much interesting numbers.
> Very interesting data, indeed, and I'm sure many homebuilder will be
> interested in how you achieved a successful engine installation.
> Best regards,
> --
> Gilles
> http://contrails.free.fr